In modern gastronomy and general packaging everything is better, if you can find it in one place!
Embossed vacuum bags and rolls (Channel, Textured, Rendered, Dotted) - For machines with external aspiration so-called. Vacuum welders
For technical or sales support:
Call us: ++ 385-98-237-806; ++ 385-98-317-846
Embossed Vacuum Bags. for cooking, pasteurization and sterilization; - Doravac EB BFC®
For technical or sales support:
Call us: ++ 385-98-237-806; ++ 385-98-317-846
Flat co-extruded PA / PE and solvent laminated vacuum storage bags - Doravac®; Vacuum bags with printing - Doravac A ®
For technical or sales support:
Call us: ++ 385-98-237-806; ++ 385-98-317-846
Flat co-extruded PA / PE and solvent laminated vacuum bags for low temperature cooking, pasteurization and sterilization - Doravac BFC®
For technical or sales support:
Call us: ++ 385-98-237-806; ++ 385-98-317-846
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