Packaging machine; Semi-automatic packaging machine; Automatic packaging line; Coding Systems; Data Source

On these pages you can find details about VFFS machines for different types of primary and secondary packaging

Inox steel ; CE Certifikati
Inox steel ; CE Certifikati
High Performance
High Performance
High reliability
High reliability
Reduced consumption
Reduced consumption
Reduced noise
Reduced noise
Packaging machine for different aplication and format
Packaging machine
MULTITUBE Pharma- for powder products with 5 up to 14 strips / lines
Packaging machine
UPA RAPID -Automatic line
for packing fine granular
materials good flow (sugar,
beans, corn grites, etc.)
Packaging machine
Primary Packaging Division
Packaging machine
Secondary Packaging Division
Packaging machine
Tertiary Packaging Division

Packaging- Examples

Packaging machine
MULTITUBE -Automatic
line for PHARMA packaging
for powder pharmaceuticals
Packaging machine
UPA Rapid Mini with the unit for a double dosage (powder and liquid)
Packaging machine
UPA Rapid Max with Scale Dosing Unit
UPA Rapid Midi "CS"-with continuous welding
Packaging machine
MULTITUBE -Automatic
packaging line
Tray Forming machine
+ Multitube 12 lanes
+ Tray Closing machine
Packaging machine
10-line packing machine Multitube tetrahedron
Packaging machine
UPA Rapid Mini with the 2 chanell weighing dosage system
Packaging machine
Multitube Granular-fine grain products pack with 12 lines

Packaging- Examples

Packaging machine
UPA Rapid MIDI with two-channel linear dosing scale
Packaging machine
HOT PRINT foil application method and its easy replacement of spare rolls
Packaging machine
Ink jet encoding and printing unit for MULTITUBE machines
Packaging machine
8 line Machine MULTITUBE with Pick&Place for packaging honey
DORA-PAK d.o.o.
    Company adress:
    Šćitarjevska 44; 10000 ZAGREB, CROATIA

    Production and logistic:
    Bani 69 A, 10010 ZAGREB, CROATIA

    Tel.: ++385-1-6623658
    Mobile Phone.: ++385-98-317846;
    E-mail:  ;


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