
Customization and selection of packaging materials, as well as various aspects involved in the selection of sustainable materials
Our collaboration with several reputable manufacturers of flexible films, rigid films, printed films, product adhesive films and heat-shrinkable films for the food industry and for a number of technical applications is increasingly focused on sustainable packaging systems. Therefore, the production of foils not only commits itself to real and verifiable environmental protection, but also turns this concept into action.
It saves resources and recycling, while maintaining its reputation
product quality are goals that companies set for themselves.
Of course, the second phase is our production and insurance of semi-finished products in the form of finished rolls of printed or unprinted foils, bags, containers, canisters, buckets, test tubes, jugs, etc. ....

Customer Care and Customer Support - Packaging Machine Customers
Although technological requirements, as well as working conditions in an international pandemic, have put us in a situation where we need to change some approaches to customer support, some aspects of “old” proven methods remain the same.
As authorized machine distributors, we are committed to organizing and servicing through our principals and partners.
This mode of operation includes numerous activities, especially in the field of application of new remote control and diagnostic technologies, machine service, ensuring fast delivery of spare parts from the manufacturer's warehouse or their production, individualization of any problem with the customer even if it is just changing the packaging format, organization training with manufacturers or coming to lectures with customers, especially when it comes to large corporations.
We can freely say that our partners use more than 1,000 of their own patents in their R&D departments. They also use the services of renowned Universities for certification and validation, as well as the advantages of new technologies in robotics, the use of 3D printers to make parts of a new generation of machines.
They also use the development of innovative technologies and data collection algorithms to support design and physical production.

Photopolymers of organic materials

Printing forms by chemical or electrogravure printing

Three-sided closed vacuum bags with external printing

A-PET trays different dimension and colour

Printing films prepared for VFFS or HFFS machine

Touch control screen, visualization and adjustment of all parameters

We update critical parts with the CAD program and they are made as a new design in one day

Tehnical assistence over the Phone

Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) in the manufacturer's plant

Post sales assistance and repair

DORA-PAK d.o.o.
    Company adress:
    Šćitarjevska 44; 10000 ZAGREB, CROATIA

    Production and logistic:
    Bani 69 A, 10010 ZAGREB, CROATIA

    Tel.: ++385-1-6623658
    Mobile Phone.: ++385-98-317846;
    E-mail:  ;


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