Customer Care



Although technological requirements, as well as working conditions in an international pandemic, have put us in a situation where we need to change some approaches to Customer Support, some aspects of the “old” proven methods remain the same. So now we come across:

- Reliance on digital customer support

- Technical Assistance

- Instructed for use and maintenance

- Certifications & Validations

We are looking at the excellence of the problem solving by digital services

It is undeniable that our Principals and partners with whom we offer Packaging Equipment, follow the achievements of the so-called 4th Industrial Revolution. This type of customer care is implemented somewhere, where there are conditions for modular upgrades and of course related to the production of new machines, complex packaging lines for packaging.

The current practice, especially in the production of non-standard types of machines, and especially in the Primary Packaging Sector, foresaw two phases of FAT (Factory Acceptance Test). Basic testing and verification of the functionality of equipment in the manufacturer's plants, with test quantities of packaging and packaging materials.

Secondary validation of equipment and its functionality takes place in the customer's workspace, where the equipment is installed. Regardless of whether the manufacturer performed the direct assembly or it was done by a third party, the final adjustments, control and testing of the required and contracted capacities and quality of the packaging are performed by the technical staff of the manufacturer.

If some users have installed a "Fieldbus" system and use some of the selected protocols, testing is performed, both internally control systems and the possibility of Ethernet access, detection and recording of operating parameters of machines and related other equipment.

Some of our Principals already use the above mentioned technology, as well as the possibilities of hierarchically controlled processes by customers, through cameras and surveillance capabilities, as well as the implementation of requests for certain changes depending on changes in technological settings or packaging formats.


System Approach Training-we pass on our knowledge to you

All our specialists benefit from ongoing training which allows us to constantly update your machine operators and/or maintenance staff, tailoring training to their experience and the level of customisation required. This way, we help you to keep your production line running smoothly and to optimise performance

Testing of individual assemblies in the manufacturer's plant

Testing at the customer's facility and preparation for the Teleservice service

Installation of digital monitoring and control equipment

Training and education in the manufacturer's plant

Testing the multihead weighing system (Multihead) and setting the synchronization with the operation of the basic machine

Final tests for users of a coupled system of operation of two machines with one dosing system

DORA-PAK d.o.o.
    Company adress:
    Šćitarjevska 44; 10000 ZAGREB, CROATIA

    Production and logistic:
    Bani 69 A, 10010 ZAGREB, CROATIA

    Tel.: ++385-1-6623658
    Mobile Phone.: ++385-98-317846;
    E-mail:  ;


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