The benefits brought to us by the system for marking, printing data or engraving data are not easily visible at the micro level.

Considering that every producer of food or non-food products, and in particular health care products, has to label some indispensable information even on the basis of legal obligations.

So to the obligation of coding and tagging, whatever it may be. We meet with any type of packaging, whether for health care, whether it is food safety and traceability, or significantly affect the breakdown of barriers in transportation and logistics.


Let us return to one of the most widely used GS-1 systems in order to make the significance and role of the marking, coding and engraving systems presented as clear as possible. The most important elements that this organization promotes and supports and takes care of continuous development (you can find more information using the link at the bottom of our web site).




The printer is a universal electronic-pneumatic device that is intended for printing the desired data on foil by the HOT-PRINT method. It can be installed on all types of vertical, horizontal and automatic vacuum packaging machines.

The printer can be equipped with one, up to a maximum of 16 heads for simultaneous printing. The print size is max. 80 x 80 mm per head. It is possible to use fixed and variable clichés (letters, numbers or code marks).



Industrial vector lasers are most often used on packaging machines for marking, coding, engraving ..., as well as thermal jet printers for direct printing of data on bags, declarations on cardboard, bags; etc ....




Industrial (INK JET) printer with jet ink, for marking on caps, sealed bottles, cans, jars, textiles, ...




Take a closer look at what these devices and appliances look like when installed on packaging machines, or when it comes to labeling pre-packaged products, with subsequent labeling!



HOT PRINT foil application method and its easy replacement of spare rolls
HOT PRINT foil application method and its easy replacement of spare rolls
HOT PRINT application unit, print location
HOT PRINT application unit, print location
HOT PRINT coding unit for MULTUTUBE machines
HOT PRINT coding unit for MULTUTUBE machines
HOT PRINT code unit for UPA and UPA RAPID machines
HOT PRINT code unit for UPA and UPA RAPID machines
Ink jet encoding and printing unit for MULTITUBE machines
Ink jet encoding and printing unit for MULTITUBE machines
HOT PRINT unit for printing data on the UPA 1 machine
HOT PRINT unit for printing data on the UPA 1 machine
Laser Coding Unit for MULTITUBE Machines
Laser Coding Unit for MULTITUBE Machines
Laser unit for printing, coding, engraving
Laser unit for printing, coding, engraving
HOT PRINT unit with 4 lines, before installation on the machine
HOT PRINT unit with 4 lines, before installation on the machine
Semi-automatic HOT PRINT unit for encoding and printing data
Semi-automatic HOT PRINT unit for encoding and printing data
Multi-line thermal transfer printing, code unit
Ink jet industrial system for printing data,and  for printing data "on line"
Ink jet industrial system for printing data,and for printing data "on line"
DORA-PAK d.o.o.
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    Šćitarjevska 44; 10000 ZAGREB, CROATIA

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