Refund and Replacement
Are you dissatisfied with the product you bought?
The product does not work as you expected?
Do you want to return the product you bought?

Contact us with confidence and we will resolve your inquiry as soon as possible.
If you bought the product through our web store and for some reason you want to:
* replace the product with another
* return the product with a refund
* ask something related to the product and its use
* all inquiries related to your web order and its status

Contact us at:

Tel: +385 (1) 662368, (098) 297-806
Opening hours: Mon-Fri 09: 00-16: 00h

You can exchange any product purchased through the web store for a new one or return it with a refund within 15 days of receiving the product at your address.
If you bought the product in our branch or through a web store and you have problems with the functionality and use of the product itself and you want to:
* know if the product needs to be sent to the complaint center
* whether the product works as stated by the manufacturer
* how long it takes to process the product in the complaint center
* where the nearest authorized service or complaint center is located
* or anything else related to the repair, maintenance and warranty of your product

Contact us at:

Tel: +385 (1) 6623658
Opening hours: Mon-Fri 08: 00-16: 00h

If you want to return any of the items, please let us know within 15 days. Then you have another 10 days to return that item.


See all terms of return and business by clicking on: TERMS AND CONDITIONS 


DORA-PAK d.o.o.
    Company adress:
    Šćitarjevska 44; 10000 ZAGREB, CROATIA

    Production and logistic:
    Bani 69 A, 10010 ZAGREB, CROATIA

    Tel.: ++385-1-6623658
    Mobile Phone.: ++385-98-317846;
    E-mail:  ;


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Processing of personal data is any process or set of procedures performed on personal data, whether automated or non-automated, such as collecting, recording, organizing, structuring, storing, adapting or modifying, finding, inspecting, using, detecting, transmitting, disseminating or posting otherwise available, harmonizing or combining, restricting, deleting or destroying.

The policy applies to all services of DORA-PAK d.o.o. which include personal data processing activities in which DORA-PAK d.o.o. controller in the sense of the General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data available at: / reg / 2016/679 / oj 

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