Upa Rapid Machines



Vertical automatic packaging machine UPA RAPID is able to form, fill and seal the widest range of bag shape of single, double or multi-layer heat-sealable films for different type of products like powders, granulates, liquids ad single pieces. It is used in various sector of goods, such as foods, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and chemicals.

There are three different UPA RAPID machine models:


• the UPA RAPID MIDI (Midi L – Midi VAC – Midi HP High Performance);


The machines run with an intermittent movement using a “form-dose-seal” system. The forming collar tube fits the width of the film and can be chosen by the customer in accordance with the desired bag size.

The length of the bag can be determined by a photoelectric cell or by an encoder.

UPA RAPID MIDI packaging machines enable the formation of square-bottom bags (self-standing bags) with four vertical seals.

The machines are made of stainless steel and anodized aluminium and are equipped thus with a PLC as a touch-screen in order to assure a constant monitoring of the machine functions and parameters and to diagnose eventual alarms and anomalies.

Depending on the product to be packed, the UPA RAPID machines can be equipped with various combinations of dosing units, i.e.:

• Multi-head scales;

• Linear scales;

• Auger dosing unit;

• Volumetric dosing unit;

• Rotating volumetric dosing unit;

• Combined dosing unit for liquids and powders.


For satisfying market needs, the machine can be equipped with different accessories: marking or printing system, dynamic control weigher, pneumatic trolley for lift new reel, out-put conveyors, elevator, system for Ethernet connection, photoelectric cell for centering the printing, labeling system, complete automatic lines.


Inox steel ; CE Certifikati
Inox steel ; CE Certifikati
High Performance
High Performance
High reliability
High reliability
Reduced consumption
Reduced consumption
Reduced noise
Reduced noise

UPA Rapid MIni
UPA Rapid Mini

UPA Rapid Midi
UPA Rapid Midi

UPA Rapid Max
UPA Rapid Max


Check out these great pictures!

DORA-PAK d.o.o.
    Company adress:
    Šćitarjevska 44; 10000 ZAGREB, CROATIA

    Production and logistic:
    Bani 69 A, 10010 ZAGREB, CROATIA

    Tel.: ++385-1-6623658
    Mobile Phone.: ++385-98-317846;
    E-mail: mail@dora-pak.hr  ;
                info@dora- pak.hr

Website: www.dora-pak.hr

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