Souse vide Kuhalo
Souse vide Kuhalo
COOK / 50

Innovative system designed for cooking vacuum packed products at a low temperature.
The machine, totally made of stainless steel, is equipped with a digital control panel to regularly monitor the time and temperature of the cooking process, thanks to the heating system, the temperature is constantly maintained.

The Sous Vide Cooker is the ideal cooking equipment to exalt the food that we cook and to obtain all the benefits that are reached by the sous vide cooking system. Here are the following benefits:

1. Significant reduction in the weight loss of foods (increasing the yield of the raw material).

2. Save timer in the kitchen as there is no request to interfere during the cooking process.

3. Conservation of the nutritional properties of the food, with less loss of vitamins and salts as well as minerals.

4. Significant increase in softness and exalted flavours of the food.

5. Possibility to cook several different type of food products (packed and sealed bags) at the same time.





 COOK /  50

 Structure / Kućište


 Overall dimension / Ukupne dimenzije

 mm 670 x550x320 H 

Minimum chamber height / Min.visina komore:

mm 200

Effective water level / Stvarna visina tekućine:

mm 170

 Maksimum chamber capacity / Maks. volumen komore:

50 l

Working temperature / Opseg radnih temperatura:

45° - 95° C

Absorption / Snaga:

W 2000

Weight / Težina:

Kg 20

 Voltage / Napajanje

 230 V/50 Hz




DORA-PAK d.o.o.
    Company adress:
    Šćitarjevska 44; 10000 ZAGREB, CROATIA

    Production and logistic:
    Bani 69 A, 10010 ZAGREB, CROATIA

    Tel.: ++385-1-6623658
    Mobile Phone.: ++385-98-317846;
    E-mail:  ;


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