Our role in defining packaging materials

Most of it refers to flexible packaging, which is suitable and necessary for VFFS, HFFS and automatic lines based on this type of machines, Vacuum packing machines, Tray sealers, etc ... Why do we consider this extremely important? The end customer is the one who will react to your every marketing move, be it a change of method and format, changes of graphic content, necessary additions brought by the secondary sector, because he ultimately encounters that product and buys it. Sometimes the motivation is a branded name, of course the quality and certificates that accompany the manufacturer, aesthetic appearance, knowledge of the use of environmentally friendly packaging, traceability, etc .....


Already at the beginning, when we mentioned "Adjustments and selection of packaging materials", the role of Conceptual design and implementation in the choice of packaging material is visible.


Suppose that we have defined the Packaging Technology and the required packaging machine or line with you as a customer. Consequently, you have hired someone or a Design Agency for the Conceptual Design and Implementation in the selection of packaging material.

From that moment on, we and our partners perform again:


  •  graphic preparation is required
  • printing of materials
  • lamination in the case of multilayer materials, cutting and rewinding in order to adapt to the selected machines
  • production of the necessary packaging materials in the form of rolls or bag, trays,.....
  • Control and Inspecton



Read more about graphic preparation

Graphic preparation is required

Printing of materials

Lamination in the case of multilayer materials, cutting and rewinding in order to adapt to the selected machines

Production of the necessary packaging materials in the form of rolls or bag, trays,

Control and Inspecton
DORA-PAK d.o.o.
    Company adress:
    Šćitarjevska 44; 10000 ZAGREB, CROATIA

    Production and logistic:
    Bani 69 A, 10010 ZAGREB, CROATIA

    Tel.: ++385-1-6623658
    Mobile Phone.: ++385-98-317846;
    E-mail: mail@dora-pak.hr  ;
                info@dora- pak.hr

Website: www.dora-pak.hr

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