World of cooking

The packaging has a fundamental task: maintaining the freshness of the product and preserving it as long as possible, without altering the taste, appearance or organoleptic characteristics. In order to slow down or stop the natural deterioration of food, already packaged products must undergo appropriate thermal processes. The most common are pasteurization, sterilization and vacuum cooking.

Our line of heat-resistant films withstand dierent temperatures, up to a maximum of 121 °.


Types of cooking vacuum pouches / bags:






*121°C for 30 minutes in thermostatic baths, steam ovens, or water bath.



Sous-vide cooking

Sous-vide cooking in DORA-PAK cooking vacuum bags allows all of the flavours, aromas, and colours to be intensified, at the same time preserving the organoleptic and nutritional properties.

1. Significant reduction in weight loss of food (increases the yield of raw materials).
2. Save the timer in the kitchen as there is no requirement to disturb you during the cooking process.
3. Preservation of nutritional properties of food, with less loss of vitamins and salts, as well as minerals.
4. Significant increase in softness and distinctive food flavors.
5. Ability to cook several different types of food products (packaged and sealed bags) at the same time.


In the pasteurization process, the packaged product is subject to a maximum temperature of 85 ° C for a predetermined time. This because the higher the temperature, the more the food loses important nutrients. Pasteurization increases the shelf life of food, eliminating most of the thermolabile pathogenic microorganisms such as yeasts or moulds.


Sterilization is the most powerful process among those based on temperature, used above all for products such as turnips, corn on the cob, potatoes or vegan food with an increase of shelf life. The maximum temperature, starting from 121 ° C, eliminates all types of pathogenic microorganisms. High temperatures do not prevent the possibility of printing on the film. Indeed, to meet special needs, we use specific structures special inks. These prevent post-treatment shading and bleeding phenomena and, in addition, improve the aesthetic appearance of the film, making it even brighter.
World of cooking
Doravac BFC are vacuum bags manufactured using 11-layer PA / PE coextruded and OPA / CPP laminates suitable for heat treatment up to 121 ° C.

These innovative bags are ideal for:

- pasteurization applications (up to 85 ° C) for up to 46 hours

- cooking / sous-vide (up to 65 ° C)

- long cooking (up to 100 ° C) up to 16 hours

- sterilization (up to 121 ° C) for up to 4 hours

- microwave cooking (up to 900 W, up to 8 minutes)

In addition to excellent transparency and gloss, these bags are very resistant to puncture and thanks to the inner layer of the metallocene, they have excellent sealing properties to ensure a safe vacuum seal. These features make Doravac BFC an ideal bag for all types of cooking.

From extruded films to finished bags - This is a real vertical integration

DORA-PAK guarantees complete control of the Doravac BFC bag production process, from film extrusion to bag processing. This means: ensuring the use of high-quality raw materials and production processes that always guarantee maximum hygiene and adherence to strict safety protocols.

Cooking and sterilization pouches - Doravac BFC® ; Doravac EB BFC®; Doravac EB BFC® in rolls

These special vacuum bags are used for meat and other products, which must go to cooking. Prepared, cuts of meat and other products cooked in the bag, so as not to lose weight and there is no loss of juices and flavor during the proceedings.

Sous vide is a professional cooking method that includes plastic bags and barrier protection against oxygen and precise temperature control to reduce oxidation and extension of usable shelf-life of prepared food, completely eliminates or reduces contact with aerobic bakterijama.Rezultat the final product with superior texture, enhanced taste and better organoleptic properties. In a word this way of preparing food, ensure food safety and operational benefits Sous-vide in every restaurant and its surroundings.
n addition to reduced product loss, the discovery that the organoleptic characteristics are considerably improved. Plastic film form a barrier that prevents loss of taste ketone evaporation and low temperature to a minimum destruction of the structure of proteins, preservation of natural textures.

Sous vide technology embraced the production of food companies. But even by better expansion and small scale, in restaurants and hotels, mainly for the production of components for the meal of continuous in-house use.

They may be of different composition of coextruded materials, as well as laminated, and we provide Straight and Embossed vacuum bags for the temperature range up to 121 degrees Celsius, intended for cooking and partial pasteurization.

After a special order are possible and laminated pouches/bags, designed cooking or the deep freeze with temperature range of -40 to + 125 °C.
They are most commonly used for ready eat meals and military ready to eat meals.


Check out these great pictures!

DORA-PAK d.o.o.
    Company adress:
    Šćitarjevska 44; 10000 ZAGREB, CROATIA

    Production and logistic:
    Bani 69 A, 10010 ZAGREB, CROATIA

    Tel.: ++385-1-6623658
    Mobile Phone.: +385-98-317846;
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