Gallery- Traysealer for closing with manual control, with motorized film unwinding
Traysealer with manual control, vacuuming and neutral gas inserting (MAP)

Traysealer with manual trays addition


This is the first semi-automatic model belonging to  of tray sealers.
The machine is mainly constructed in stainless steel, Class protection IP65, and is conceived to be a cost-effective model.
This type of machine has innovative systems of lower consumption of inert gases. They can be modularly equipped with tray dispenser, accelerated with mechanical improvements, etc ...

Model is a fully automatic high production tray sealer.


The machine is available in two versions: for sealing only and for vacuum packaging or vacuum/gas packaging.
To grow the high value for model like these, a wide range of options and different loading conveyors (infeed continuous  or stepping  conveyor with single / double line or walking beam conveyor system) are available to make the machine suitable for several applications and to meet specific customer needs.


Check out these great pictures!

DORA-PAK d.o.o.
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