Termoforming machine with only one shape forming station


These machine is suitable for medium productions.This thermoformer, thanks to high versatility, can be applied in food, industrial and medical field, and thay can work with both flexible and rigid materials.
This machine can be customized with several options such as Print Registration, coding units, dosing systems, slicers, in-line flexographic printer, as well as obtain the “Euro slot  hole“, etc....

Termoforming machine +VAC+MAP with a film preheating station and a final shape forming station


They can be used with a wide variety of thermoform films, including flexible, rigid and foamed materials. All standard sealing materials such as plastic, medical paper and tyvec can be used.Other options include shape cutting, printed top web, coding units, in-line printing and labelling systems, in-line dosing/filling systems.

Termoforming line up machine for SKIN packaging


By using a special shrinksealing film the packaging system makes a kind of invisible skin all around the product thus keeping its natural fresh appearance. The sealing film is able to fit around the product shape without damaging the product itself, even when the content is higher than tray edge. The result gives a different look to the packing. The freshness of product is remarkably long, because of using high barrier material together with high vacuum degree.

The sticking between upper and lower film is occurring on the whole surface of tray: in this way the liquid run-off (blood, water, serum) is stopped around the product. The typical applications are: fresh meat, poultry meat, fish, seafood, ready meals, cheese, pâtés.


Check out these great pictures!

DORA-PAK d.o.o.
    Company adress:
    Šćitarjevska 44; 10000 ZAGREB, CROATIA

    Production and logistic:
    Bani 69 A, 10010 ZAGREB, CROATIA

    Tel.: ++385-1-6623658
    Mobile Phone.: +385-98-317846;
    E-mail: mail@dora-pak.hr  ;
                info@dora- pak.hr

Website: www.dora-pak.hr

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