Tray sealers + MAP


Tray sealers
Termosealers tray/conatiner SEAL 300

Tray sealers
Termosealers tray/conatiner SEAL 400

Tray sealers
Tray sealers with automatic unwinding film SEAL MATIC 300

Termosealers tray/conatiner
Tray sealers with automatic unwinding film SEAL MATIC 400

Tray sealers + MAP
Termosealers GN tray/conatiner + MAP- TRAY 600

Tray sealers + MAP
Termosealers GN tray/conatiner + MAP- TRAY 800


DORA-PAK d.o.o.
    Company adress:
    Šćitarjevska 44; 10000 ZAGREB, CROATIA

    Production and logistic:
    Bani 69 A, 10010 ZAGREB, CROATIA

    Tel.: ++385-1-6623658
    Mobile Phone.: ++385-98-317846;
   (098) 267-806
    E-mail:  ;


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